How Uber’s Autonomous Cars Will Destroy 10 Million Jobs And Reshape The Economy by 2025
Autonomous cars will be commonplace by 2025 resulting in unprecedented job loss, solving environmental problems, preventing tens of thousands of deaths per year, saving millions of hours with increased productivity, and creating entire new industries.

The Internet Shaming of Lindsey Stone
When a friend posted a photograph of charity worker Lindsey Stone on Facebook, she never dreamed she would lose her job and her reputation. Two years on, could she get her life back?
Someone called @jon_ronson was tweeting 20 times a day about his whirlwind of social engagements, soirées and friends. Jon was at war with a robot version of himself.
Universal Basic Income as Social Vaccine
We can keep spending trillions every year to treat poverty and its many symptoms, or we can choose to eradicate it as we did smallpox through a mass social vaccination program known as basic income.
Subliminal Cues From Smart Glasses Boost Athletic Performance
Subliminal cues shown on smart glasses can give a significant boost to human performance during endurance exercises
Robots Learn by Watching Videos
Robots are able to learn the intricate grasping and manipulation movements required for cooking by watching online cooking videos.
Virtual reality took me inside the mind of a schizophrenic
Using VR experiences to simulation perception of the world with a mental illness.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: Our Big Bet For The Future
Bill & Melinda’s “notes” for their vision of 2030: improved health, farming, mobile banking, and improved software for learning will improve the lives of the poor faster than ever.
The coming digital anarchy
Long article on discussing blockchain technology which threatens centralized currencies, social networks, stock markets, even national governments. Are we heading towards an anarchic future where centralized power of any kind will dissolve?
Andrew McAfee: What will future jobs look like?
The best economic news: more tech and fewer jobs. But what do the lower middle class do?
The Next Technology Revolution Will Drive Abundance And Income Disparity
Machine learning impact on the economy will be increased productivity and abundance, but far less human labour and judgement. We may need a system focused on more than just efficient production that places greater prioritization on the less desirable side effects of capitalism.
Smart Neural Stimulators Listen to the Body
Implanted devices sense vital statistics to deliver precisely tailored therapy. Engineered systems composed of chips, wires, and batteries can replace or supplement biological systems that malfunction.
The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence
An incredible, in-depth overview of the thinking around the development and rise of ASI (Artificial Superintelligece).