Technology at Work: The Future of Innovation and Employment
Substantial wealth is being created with only a few workers, and with the exception of a small fraction of highly skilled workers, wages may not rise over their lifetime. Building on a widely discussed paper entitled The Future of Employment: How Susceptible are Jobs to Computerisation?, this report examines how the changing nature of innovation, stemming from the digital revolution, is transforming the world of work and the challenges it brings.
The Future of Employment
Paper examining how susceptible jobs are to computerisation. 47% of total US employment at risk, with wages and educational attainment predicting lowest probability of computerisation.
Beyond a Jobless Recovery
This article explores the issue of a “Jobless Recovery” mainly from a heterodox economic perspective. It emphasizes the implications of ideas by Marshall Brain and others that improvements in robotics, automation, design, and voluntary social networks are fundamentally changing the structure of the economic landscape. It outlines towards the end four major alternatives to mainstream economic practice (a basic income, a gift economy, stronger local subsistence economies, and resource-based planning).