Neural Ballet


Five Directions

Sound Escapes

AI Art Assistant
I am currently looking for collaborators for a machine learning and art project. Would you like to join me? Continue reading below!

Coding Chaos Concert

One-button game made for the Curious Cabinets Arcade Exhibition put on by amazing Hand-Eye Society and hosted by the wonderful Electric Perfume.

Creo Animam
In June 2015, I was honoured to work with the Univox Choir that I’ve been singing with for over 10 years. Instead of the usual musician guest artist who performs with the choir, I created and directed a concert about the near future. I was incredibly humbled by and proud of all the extra effort that the choir put into this concert: from arranging music, finding images online, creating music videos to accompany the pieces, and helping out in so many ways this was a hugely collaborative piece. You will eventually be able to see the results of this at the Creo Animam website.
This page documents some of the research and notes for that concert that I created and shared with the choir while I was developing the concert. The concept for the concert investigates the near future, one where the pace of change has continued to accelerate, everything digital is free, in price and liberty, everything you want to track is recorded, and personal and collective power is only exceeded by the new forms life we have dreamed into the world around us.
What is our destiny when we have created beings that surpass us in every way?

Hourface is a Processing based Java software project intended for use as an interactive video art installation. It was created in collaboration with Yoko Takashima for a show called Blend at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria.

Custom Java software used in the 2003 “Face-scape” installation in collaboration with Yoko Takashima. Rewritten in 2004, the second version was exhibited at the Thailand New Media Festival 2004. yoFace adds images to each other and allows for dynamic image to be built that is the sum of all of its parts.