How Uber’s Autonomous Cars Will Destroy 10 Million Jobs And Reshape The Economy by 2025
Autonomous cars will be commonplace by 2025 resulting in unprecedented job loss, solving environmental problems, preventing tens of thousands of deaths per year, saving millions of hours with increased productivity, and creating entire new industries.
The coming digital anarchy
Long article on discussing blockchain technology which threatens centralized currencies, social networks, stock markets, even national governments. Are we heading towards an anarchic future where centralized power of any kind will dissolve?
The Next Technology Revolution Will Drive Abundance And Income Disparity
Machine learning impact on the economy will be increased productivity and abundance, but far less human labour and judgement. We may need a system focused on more than just efficient production that places greater prioritization on the less desirable side effects of capitalism.
Beyond a Jobless Recovery
This article explores the issue of a “Jobless Recovery” mainly from a heterodox economic perspective. It emphasizes the implications of ideas by Marshall Brain and others that improvements in robotics, automation, design, and voluntary social networks are fundamentally changing the structure of the economic landscape. It outlines towards the end four major alternatives to mainstream economic practice (a basic income, a gift economy, stronger local subsistence economies, and resource-based planning).
Qrate is a conceptual design for non-profit, digital library with an integrated patronage system that allows creators to get paid for their work. Everyone has free access to the world’s digital art and information while more people can make a living doing what they love.